The New Jedi Order

I’m nearly finished reading the New Jedi Order. What an amazing ride it’s been. I cannot believe how many authors came together to make this happen — that they’ve been able to coordinate and literally get their stories straight.  Sure, there have been some bumps in the road, but wow.  What a thrill.  It took the SWEU in a whole new direction from the New Republic Era.  It made me fear for my favorite characters like I never thought I would, introduced me to a whole new cast of characters, and villains came from the strangest of all worlds with culture and weapons never before seen.

In a universe like Star Wars, who would have thought something old can become new and yet still be familiar?  Kudos to Del Rey and the authors who made our characters come to life.  My favorites from this era: Anakin, Vergere, Nen Yim.  I am especially impressed with the arc drawn of Vergere over many books by different authors.  Her character remained consistent and extremely well done.

My favorite older cast members: Luke, Mara, Corran.  Luke and Mara were featured more earlier in the series.  I never cared much for Corran until he showed up in the New Jedi Order.  His mature self is so much more likable.

Favorite author?  Greg Keyes, absolutely.  He is the master of character development.  Also notable are Kathy Tyers and Matthew Stover.

Favorite books?  Conquest, Traitor, The Final Prophecy.  I am reading the final book.  I can’t believe it’s almost over.

Would I recommend this series? Absolutely. Be prepared for one long journey. Read from beginning to end. Anything in between will get you thoroughly confused. Good luck. MTFBWY.

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